First aid tips

Note: HostRooster does not provide insurance for hosts and guests. Hosts are expected to provide their own health and safety insurance cover as required by relevant laws. However, we do offer a level of online community support.

Prepare or Buy a First Aid Kit

  • Hosts and guests should have access to first aid kits.
  • Ensure your guests are aware of the kit’s location, and encourage them to ask if they don’t know.

Supplies to Have On Hand

  • These essential items should be found in a Red Cross-approved first aid kit, available at your local pharmacy or medical clinic:
    • 2 pairs of latex-free gloves
    • Latex-free adhesive bandages of various sizes
    • Sterile gauze pads of various sizes
    • One roll of adhesive cloth tape
    • Roller bandages of various sizes
    • One elastic bandage
    • 3 or 4 triangular bandages
    • One 36″ malleable radiolucent splint
    • One unit of antibiotic ointment, cream, or wound gel
    • 4 sealable plastic bags
    • 5 antiseptic wipe packets
    • 2 packets of chewable aspirin
    • One space blanket
    • One CPR breathing barrier (with a one-way valve)
    • One pair of utility shears or scissors
    • Oral thermometer
    • Tweezers

Knowing How to Use These Items

  • While having these supplies is crucial, it’s equally important to understand how to use them effectively.
  • For guidance during emergencies, download the First Aid app provided by the Red Cross and Red Crescent network in your country.

How to React in an Emergency: Check – Call – Care

  • Even with basic training, avoid putting lives at risk and let emergency medical professionals handle situations.
  • Follow the Check – Call – Care process, which could save a life:
    • Check: Identify if an emergency exists; assess the person and their surroundings for genuine risk or distress.
    • Call: If the emergency appears critical, promptly call the designated emergency number in your country.
    • Care: Stay with the person, monitor their vital signs, and provide information to the medical team.

How to Provide First Aid

  • While awaiting emergency medical professionals, here are initial steps to take for various emergency situations:
    • Allergic Reaction or Allergy Attack: Ensure both hosts and guests have first aid kits and the First Aid app for your country. Guests, if prescribed, should also carry an epinephrine auto-injector.
    • Seizure: Protect the person from injury, don’t restrain them, move them onto their side, tilt their head back, and check for breathing.
    • Diabetic Emergencies: Offer a sweet, sugary drink or food and provide reassurance.
    • Stroke: Identify stroke signs and take appropriate action.
    • Choking: Check for breathing, clear the airway, and perform back blows and abdominal thrusts.
    • Poisoning: Gather information on what was ingested, but do not induce vomiting or provide fluids.
    • Heart Attack: Help the person sit down, give aspirin (not ibuprofen or acetaminophen), and offer reassurance.
    • External Bleeding: Apply pressure on the wound and keep it in place until help arrives.
    • Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains, and Strains: Support the injury to prevent movement until help arrives.
    • Neck, Head, and Spinal Injuries: Take specific steps and provide care based on the situation.
    • Emergencies That May Not Seem Serious at First:
      • Burns: Cool the burn under cool running water for at least 10 minutes, cover with plastic wrap, and call for serious burns.
      • Asthma: Assist the person to sit comfortably and take their medication. Reassure them and call emergency services if needed.
      • Heat-Related: Move the person to a cool place, rehydrate with appropriate fluids, and call for help if unresponsive.
      • Cold-Related (Environmental): Warm the person gently, cover with a blanket or jacket, and provide warm liquids. Call for help if unresponsive.

Additional Guidance on Emergency Planning

  • We recommend that all guests and hosts engaging in an experience prepare an emergency plan for natural disasters or any other emergencies that may arise during an experience.

This guide covers first-aid information to ensure the safety and well-being of HostRooster hosts and guests in various emergency situations.


The first aid tips provided in this guide are intended for general informational purposes only. While we strive to offer accurate and up-to-date information, these tips should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or care.

In any emergency or medical situation, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention from a qualified healthcare provider or call emergency services. The information provided here is not a comprehensive guide to all potential first aid situations, and specific circumstances may require unique approaches or interventions.

We encourage you to undergo formal first aid and CPR training to ensure you are well-prepared to respond effectively in emergency situations. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of local regulations, guidelines, and best practices related to first aid and emergency response, as these may vary from one region to another.

The use of any first aid information or techniques is solely at your discretion and risk. HostRooster and the authors of this guide do not assume any responsibility for any consequences or damages resulting from the application of these first aid tips. By using this guide, you agree to hold HostRooster harmless from any liability or claims arising from the use of the information presented here.

Always consult with a medical professional or healthcare provider to address your specific health or medical concerns. Your safety and well-being are of utmost importance, and professional guidance is invaluable in medical emergencies.

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